The IFLC offers special two-session and four-session courses through several San Diego adult education facilities. Here our students come face-to-face with the philosophies, techniques and theories of being a true In Focus photographer. If you are member of one of these courses and want to participate in this extra resource, simply request authorship by clicking on the link below. Let us know which adult education facility you are currently enrolled in. Once verified we'll send you an invitation to become a full member of this web site. Simply follow the instructions from Google and you're ready. You'll soon be able to post images and gain full-access to your instructors.
The San Diego IFLC is dedicated to those artists who use the camera for something other than taking pictures. It is for those who believe that experience, individuality and vision are the keys to artistic expression — not equipment, computers or programs. It is for those who create messages with their cameras - not with Adobe Photoshop. It's for those who have the courage to share a piece of themselves with the world ... it's for those whomake a difference.
Click here for a free gallery PDF of in-camera 'painted' images by Rod Deutschmann. Note: No computer manipulation was used, all images are as they were shot.
Building a 'dramatic' flash image indoors
*Sometimes it's the easiest of pictures that give us the hardest of times.*
*Take the above photo of Robin for instance. At first glance it seems a
very s...
Wonderful illustration of all the options in front of us everyday. Great example!!!!