The IFLC offers special two-session and four-session courses through several San Diego adult education facilities. Here our students come face-to-face with the philosophies, techniques and theories of being a true In Focus photographer. If you are member of one of these courses and want to participate in this extra resource, simply request authorship by clicking on the link below. Let us know which adult education facility you are currently enrolled in. Once verified we'll send you an invitation to become a full member of this web site. Simply follow the instructions from Google and you're ready. You'll soon be able to post images and gain full-access to your instructors.

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Friday, February 19, 2010


Click on the above image for your copy of the March IFLC schedule!

Hello In Focus family!

We're so very excited about the release of our latest schedule. We've made a ton of changes to the In Focus Learning Center (both in front of and behind the lens) and can't wait to share them with you. Inside the current schedule is a brief explanation ... plus, one read through of the new class descriptions and you'll certainly have a better understanding of our new goals and intent.
We know you'll love the changes, we're excited about the possibilities each hold and, more than anything, we can't wait to get back out in the field with all of you once again!

Good shooting friends.

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